Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Small things

The moment my life ended and the world continued without a pause, I was stunned.  To have something so valuable taken and no one to take note makes for troubling thoughts.  How many times have I walked by someone whose world was just taken from them and not taken note.  Our lives are comprised of small things that somehow come together to form an image beyond ourselves, with the fragrance of heaven on our minds.  Something so small tied to emotions so big.  Someone so small whose life meant so much.  An action so small that brings about monumental things.  We dream big, and imagine ours lives played on a large screen for all to see.  But we are small and big things must be prefaced with small things done well, small moments of trust, small hearts and hands that we allow to move in our lives.  We are not so big, yet can be everything to some small person.  Smallness is easily felt in these disjointed times as humanity crushes in setting standards of beauty that cannot be met and pace of life that will not sustain.  And we shrink as no one sees our world being taken away, the loss of something or someone valuable.  So we fight to be seen, to be heard and appear large in someone else's eyes, but it does not satisfy the desire to be seen.  To be known in our inmost parts, seen for who we are, for our pain to be noticed, and for our hearts to mend.  1 of 7 billion, yet known by one who knows.  Yielding slowly step by step, striving to see the unseen, grasping to truth and trusting that on that day there was one who paused with me and saw. 

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