Friday, December 19, 2014

What my Pinterest page tells me............

Kids in the tub, legos on the table and cold coffee in my cup.  Little miss decided that her lunch was better off on the floor, and it is still there.  If she is gonna eat things off the floor it may as well be her lunch.  The boys went through this phase too, she is so similar to them in her development, her speech progression, her walking, her sweetness, her feisty side.  People ask me how it is having a little girl, and so far I can't say that it is very different.  The battles are the same, the love is the same, but my Pinterest page is not.  While on the boys clipboard I have adventures, learning tools, imagination play, super heroes and so on......  Ferns is much different.  And I suddenly understand what to guard her against.  Her clipboard is nothing more then a fashion spread.  Now granted I have very little pink on it, and pin the edgier girl clothing, but it still smacks of superficiality.  Perpetuating that lie that girls need to be pretty.  Women are beautiful and it is a gift.  I think of some of my youth group girls and all the different types beauty represented.  They have strength, dignity, they are smart, sassy, loving, kind, and compassionate.  Such beauty and it has nothing to do with appearance.  Lord forgive me for limiting my dreams for Fern to fashion and accessories.  She is so much more then that, she is an amazing creation, made in your image and you have a plan and purpose for her life that does not hinge on her fashion sense. 

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